First Draft

A fast paced and reactive news and fact checking platform

An ever evolving site providing articles, training and resources to journalists in order to combat fake news.


First Draft

What we did

Lunar have a long history of working in partnership with First Draft to adapt to the ever changing environment of misinformation in the politicical and technological landscape.

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The Brief

First Draft News have a multifaceted website that delivers news and research around misinformation in the media, as well as training and cutting edge tools, to journalists and academics. The focus of the website changes with the current global climate. Whether the focus is around controversial election campaigns or the emergence of new social media platforms that are changing the lanscape of news reporting, First Draft's mission is to protect communities from harmful misinformation. Lunar's role is consultative, proactive and reactive. We work closely with the First Draft team to add new features to the website, build tools as part of important standalone projects and help them to deliver against their ever shifting needs in the ever changing world of fact checking and journalism.


Our work

Lunar and First Draft have developed a long term partnership. First Draft's need to be nimble and reactive has been supported and accommodated. Changes in business focus over the years have led to multiple iterations of the main website and the creation of many important standalone projects.

We take a consultative approach to our relationship with First Draft, providing guidance and technical expertise to help them achieve their goals and ambitions. We have played an important role in many organisational meetings, meaning that we have developed a deep understanding of the needs of First Draft and the challenges they face in a world of fast paced news and misinformation.

Our partnership has resulted in a website that has stayed fresh and continued to adapt to new ways of delivering content and fighting misinformation.

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Lunar have undertaken multiple reskins and entirely reworked the website over the years. We are continually working on making the site more flexible and improving site performance so that it can adapt to First Draft's ever evolving requirements.

  • An adaptable and highly flexible website

  • A long-standing technical partnership

  • Delivery of cutting edge tools and infrastructure for multiple stand-alone projects

  • Created a platform for online course delivery

Get in touch

Drop us a line to discuss your project.

Call us on

0117 463 0820